Danièle Lemieux
Oil Paintings


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Fresh Compliments
Fresh Compliments
Late Bloomers
Late Bloomers
Tomatoes, Garlic and Oil
Tomatoes, Garlic and Oil
Late Season Tomatoes
Late Season Tomatoes
Once Upon a Time (study)
Once Upon a Time (study)
Sunlight and Nectarines
Sunlight and Nectarines
Pepper Pop
Pepper Pop
Grapes and Green Apples
Grapes and Green Apples
Dolce Vita I
Dolce Vita I
Dolce Vita #2
Dolce Vita #2
Three Bells
Three Bells
Florida Sunshine
Florida Sunshine
A Lemon and a Pomegranate
A Lemon and a Pomegranate
Once Upon a Time
Once Upon a Time
Fruit Frieze
Fruit Frieze
Citrus Brights
Citrus Brights
Concerto for a Pitcher
Concerto for a Pitcher
Artist's Choice
Artist's Choice
Summer Fruit Harmony
Summer Fruit Harmony
Fruit Festival
Fruit Festival