Danièle Lemieux
Oil Paintings


Purchase my greeting cards in sets of five seasonal cards, five birds or five still life

Seasonal Cards
$25 per set of 5 (Free shipping)*



Bird Cards

$25 per set of 5 (Free shipping)*


Still Life Cards
$25 per set of 5 (Free shipping)*


  • Featuring white linen cardstock with matching envelope.
  • Generous 5 X 7” size.
  • Blank inside, suitable for any occasion.
  • Each set contains 5 different cards and 5 matching envelopes
  • Packaged in a durable, resealable, clear sleeve with decorative ribbon and gift tag.
  • Ideal for gift giving: Mother’s Day, Birthday, Teacher’s gift, Hostess gift, etc.




•Price includes shipping anywhere in Canada and USA. Applicable taxes are extra. For International shipments, please write me at: daniele@DanieleLemieux.com.